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Students of the Faculty of Economics - at a meeting with the IT business of Stara Zagora

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Студенти на Стопански факултет – на среща с IT бизнеса на Стара Загора

Students of the Faculty of Economics - at a meeting with the IT business of Stara Zagora

The final meeting of the joint initiative of Stara Zagora Municipality and Thrace University "Keeping young people in Stara Zagora" took place on November 29 at the Faculty of Economics. High-tech companies eDynamix, Bulbera, regiocom, Devalex Consulting, which also have offices in Stara Zagora, presented the opportunities for professional realization and upgrading of knowledge and skills to students from the faculty's IT majors. Associate Professor Stoikova, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, thanked the guests for their time and expressed hope that such initiatives will become a tradition.