Rankings and enrolments for newly admitted students

Класирания и записвания за новоприетите студенти

Ranking and enrolment for newly admitted students

Telefoni for candidatestudent information: (042) 673 021, (042) 699 208, (042) 699 209, (042) 699 210, 0888 333 091, 0889 559 989

Important! The University does not notify candidates of the results of competitive examinations and rankings up to and including the 3rd ranking. Rankings will be announced on the University website as follows:

FIRST RANKING: 3.07.2024

Registration: July 3 and 4 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and July 5 from 8 a.m. to noon.

SECOND RANKING: 05.07.2024

Sign up: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 8 and 8 a.m. to noon July 9.

THIRD RANKING: 09.07.2024

Registration: on July 10 and 11 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on July 12 from 8 a.m. to noon.

 Important! Those ranked 1st or 2nd who wish to participate in subsequent rankings up to and including the 3rd shall submit an application and their high school diploma in accordance with Article 25 (3) of the University's Admissions Handbook. Those who have confirmed their participation in the subsequent classifications reserve the right to be classified according to one of their wishes with a lower number (stronger wish). A student applicant may not be ranked in a subsequent ranking according to a wish with a higher number (less desirable position) than that of the place already won. In case the candidate does not move up in the ranking by the third ranking, he/she retains the place already earned. In case of moving up in the ranking, the candidate keeps the new place (up to the third ranking), vacating the one he/she had originally won.


Чл. 28. (1) Enrolment shall be by order of the Rector.

(2) Newly admitted students shall be enrolled in the main unit - faculty/branch/college - Приложение № 5 

Чл. 29. (1) Upon enrolment, newly admitted students shall submit the following documents:

  1. Secondary education diploma (original). The diploma is retained until the processing of personal data in the register of the Ministry of Education is completed.
  2. Six 3/4 format photos.
  3. A set of documents for newly admitted students (according to the template).
  4. ID card, which is returned after verification.
  5. Receipt for paid semester tuition fee (deposited in the cashier's office of the main unit - faculty/branch/college) or transferred to the account of the main unit in UniCredit Bulbank.

 (2) Provided that a newly admitted student withdraws before the beginning of the academic year, 30% of the semester fee paid upon enrolment shall be deducted. After the beginning of the academic year, the semester fee paid shall not be refunded.

(3) Twins admitted on concessional terms shall enjoy the advantage only if concurrently enrolled in the same major.

Чл. 30. От такса за обучение persons admitted as students in places subsidized by the state under art. 5 and meeting the conditions of art. 95, par. 7 of the Education Act, as follows:

- persons up to 25 years of age who are round orphans;

- persons with permanent disabilities and reduced working capacity of 70 per cent or more;

- war invalids and war victims;

- persons who, at the time of reaching the age of majority, have a protection measure taken under the Child Protection Act - placement in a foster family, a residential social service or a specialized institution.

Чл. 31. The Rector shall finally decide on all matters relating to the admission of students, in accordance with Art. 1(4) of the EHE Act, and may set additional conditions.