


The Trakia University (TrU) is an autonomous state educational and scientific institution based in Stara Zagora. It was established by the decision of the National Assembly on July 21, 1995, in accordance with Article 53, paragraph 5, and Article 86, paragraph 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, as well as Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Higher Education Act (HEA), based on the Higher Institute of Zootechnics and Veterinary Medicine (HIZVM) and the Higher Medical Institute (HMI) in Stara Zagora, along with their existing faculties and departments.

Later, through Resolutions of the Council of Ministers (CM) (No. 62/26.03.1996, No. 16/27.01.1997, and No. 374/15.10.1997), the Trakia University was joined by the Institute for Teacher Qualification Improvement (ITQI) and four transformed into colleges - three medical ones in Stara Zagora, Haskovo, Sliven, and one technical in Yambol. By Decree No. 135/03.07.2002 of the CM, the Pedagogical Faculty and the Department for Information and Teacher Qualification Improvement (DITQI) were opened, while by Decree No. 136/03.07.2002, ITQI was closed.

The Bulgarian-German Agricultural College (BGAC) was incorporated into the structure of Trakia University by Decree No. 182/11.09.2000. The college is a successor to the former Farmer's College.

With the letter from the Ministry of Education and Science No. 25110/10.01.2000, the structure of Trakia University was approved as complying with the requirements of Article 26, paragraph 1, item 1 of the HEA. Later, after the creation of the Pedagogical Faculty, with the letter from the Ministry of Education and Science No. 0302-197/29.09.2004, the structure was updated.

The name Trakia University fully meets the requirements of Article 17, paragraph 2, item 1 of the HEA, as the institution provides education in three of the four main areas of science: social, natural, and technical sciences.

According to Decree No. 125/24.06.2002, Trakia University covers 6 of the higher education areas (pedagogical, social and economic, natural, technical, agricultural sciences and veterinary medicine, healthcare and sports) and 16 professional fields according to the Classifier of the Areas of Higher Education and Professional Fields.

Trakia University is one of the first accredited universities, receiving regular institutional accreditation with a rating of "very good" from the National Agency for Assessment and Accreditation (NAAA) with Protocol No. 30/18.03.1999, valid for 5 years, allowing it to provide education and confer the academic degree of "Doctor" (Letter from NAAA No. 137/19.03.1999).

Мисия и Визия

Trakia University provides high-quality higher education for professional careers in the fields of humanities and veterinary medicine, pedagogy, engineering and technology, agriculture, economics, ecology, and environmental protection, aiming at the professional and personal development of specialists needed for the economic and spiritual prosperity of the country and the region.

The mission defines the educational policy of Trakia University, oriented towards the needs of society at the regional and national levels.

To achieve its mission, the University is guided by strategic directions that shape its overall activities.
