Laboratories at the Faculty of Agriculture
15/12/2023 2024-04-29 12:36Лаборатории в Аграрен факултет
Research Laboratory
Educational and Scientific Complex "Environmental Management and Protection"
DNA Analysis Laboratory
Laboratory of chemical analysis of milk and dairy products
The Research Laboratory conducts a comprehensive chemical analysis of fodder, meat (including meat samples from internal organs), milk and dairy products, as well as other samples. This analysis includes:
determination of crude ash
determination of moisture
determination of protein
determination of fats
determination of fiber
and other parameters.
Price list for the offered analyses for internal clients.
Price list for the analyses offered to external clients.
The laboratory is equipped with the following apparatus:
Amino Acid Analyzer - T 339 M - determines the amino acid composition of biological samples.
Atomic absorption spectrophotometers - Perkin Elmer 380 and Perkin Elmer Analyst 800 models - for determining macro- and microelements (Pb, Co, Cr, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg)
Microwave oven - Perkin Elmer - for chemical decomposition and evaporation of samples
Gas chromatographs - Pay Unicam, Carlo Erba, and CLARUS 500 with mass spectrometer - for determining the fatty acid composition of biological samples
FOSS Soxtec 2050 - determination of crude fat
FOSS Kjeltec 8400 - determination of nitrogen
Spectrophotometers - determination of phosphorus, phospholipids, cholesterol, and others
Flame photometer - Flamom - B - determination of potassium and sodium
Infra-Lyzer 400 - Technicon - determination of organic components in agricultural products, soils, etc.
Digital Gluten System M54S - digital dual-channel automatic glutenometry system for determining gluten.
Associate Professor Dr. Nikolina Naydenova,, тел. 042 699 354, e-mail
Chemist Silvia Ivanova,, ст. 413, тел. 042 699 262
Chemist Neli Krasteva, ст. 413, тел. 042 699 262
Laboratory Chemist Stanka Vasileva, ст. 413, тел. 042 699 262
On September 14, 2009, the educational and scientific complex "Environmental Management and Conservation" was officially inaugurated. It was established through a project between Trakia University - Stara Zagora and the Vocational School of Veterinary Medicine, with financial support from the Ministry of Environment and Water. The complex includes a lecture hall with 40 seats and a laboratory complex. The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art high-class equipment, including an incinerator, a Jenway spectrophotometer, a steam distiller UDK 142, and a combined device for measuring pH, electrical conductivity, and dissolved oxygen. From the Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water in Stara Zagora, apparatus for analyzing organic carbon in water, air sampling devices, and others have been provided. The components of the environment investigated include air, water, and soil. Established methodologies and standards are applied to ensure the necessary accuracy.
Soil Quality
Active reaction (pH) BDS ISO 103902.
Specific electrical conductivity BDS ISO 112653
Total nitrogen BDS ISO 112614.
Ammonium and nitrate nitrogen VM
Total phosphorus BDS ISO 112616
Organic carbon BDS ISO 14235
Due to the high interest from private companies and the lack of a dedicated soil analysis laboratory in the region, particular attention is being paid to the development and implementation of soil analysis methodologies. Efforts are being made to expand the scope of analyses, with a focus on heavy metal content in soils and other components of indicative value.
, room 552, phone: 042 699 491
The DNA analysis laboratory at the Department of Genetics, Breeding, and Reproduction at the Faculty of Agriculture of Trakia University specializes in DNA examination using the following methods:
RT-PCR, including gene expression.
Analyses of genetic markers and known genes are conducted, representing interest for breeding work aimed at improving the productivity and health status of livestock.
In the laboratory, samples of milk are analyzed for:
Dry matter
Milk fat
Inhibitory substances
Somatic cells
Technologies for the production of various types of dairy products, both solid and soft cheeses, are being developed.