Methodological guidelines

Методически указания

Methodological guidelines

Methodological Instructions for the Candidate Examinations


Кандидатстудентският изпит по биология е писмен и се провежда присъствено в продължение на два часа и 30 минути. Изпитът включва 89 тестови въпроси и задачи от материала, включен в обучението на учениците по „Биология и здравно образование“ в първо гимназиално ниво в 8, 9 и 10 клас, както от материала, включен в обучението на учениците по „Биология и здравно образование“ в 11 и 12 клас от втори гимназиален етап в рамките на профилиращия предмет по биология и здравно образование. Тестовите въпроси и задачи са от два основни типа: затворени и отворени. 

  • Closed test questions of 2 different types: 1) with one correct answer out of 5 possible answers and 2) test problems with one correct answer consisting of a combination of 2 correct statements/concepts. 
  • Open questions въпроси са от 2 различни типа: 1) Попълване на пропуснатите термини/понятия в текст; 2) Кратък отговор с разсъжданение по поставен въпрос;

The questions for the exam are prepared based on the study material of the three modules, and include the corresponding type tasks.

Grading scale: 

The final exam grade is formed as an arithmetic average of the three grades obtained for each module. The material included in the questions is in accordance with the educational content of all textbooks in biology and health education approved by the Ministry of Education and Culture for training for the first high school course of study in grades 8, 9 and 10 /compulsory preparation/ and for the profiled preparation for grades 11 and 12.


The program for the candidate student exam in chemistry for the specialty "Medicine" is compiled on the basis of the curricula in Chemistry and environmental protection for general educational preparation from the 8th to the 11th grade inclusive, taking into account the main thematic units, exercises and logical tasks. The competitive exam in chemistry lasts 3 hours.

Exam include

A total of 20 closed-ended test questions (10 questions on inorganic chemistry and 10 questions on organic chemistry), and one correct answer must be chosen from the total options given.

  • Two assignments: 1 inorganic chemistry assignment and 1 organic chemistry assignment
  • Two questions: 1 from inorganic chemistry and 1 from organic; questions are from the synopsis represent part of a question, develop in writing, detailing construction (if required), all reactions (if required), and properties (if required).

In order to receive the maximum number of points for the questions and tasks, the answers must be correct, specific, comprehensive enough and correspond to the set steps. The exposition of facts, properties, etc. beyond the given wording of the question is not evaluated and does not compensate for omissions and errors.

Grading scale:


The maximum number of points is 120t, points are formed by:
Closed test questions 20t,
Tasks 40t.
Parts of the questions from the 60t outline


The written test in biology is based on the content of the curriculum in biology and health education for grades 9 and 10 (Regulation No. 2 of 18.05.2000 of the Ministry of Education, State Gazette No. 48/13.06.2000).

It is held in person and lasts 2 hours. Each of the examination options contains 50 questions. The test problems have only one correct answer - fill in the circle around the answer. If more than one answer is given, the problem is considered incorrect.

Downloading of the test option is done on a lottery basis.



The general language exam is written and lasts 4 hours. The exam includes 2 tasks. It is conducted in person.
The first task is a short text in which spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors have been deliberately made. The text must be rewritten, correcting the errors without making any stylistic or semantic changes.
The second task requires the creation of a text on a specific topic and with a predetermined length (2 - 3 pages).
Candidates have complete genre freedom in the creation of the text. The following are taken into account in the evaluation:
- The created text should correspond to the set topic. A main thesis statement is required, as well as evidence to support it;
- Logical - investigative links to be properly constructed;
- Bits and pieces of evidence are not tolerated;
- The skills of creating text without spelling and punctuation errors are refined.
Especially important is the personal position of the author of the text and his ability to defend it. The Commission punishes plagiarism and attempts to deceive.


Програмата за теста по География включва учебното съдържание по природна, социално-икономическа и регионална география на България, което се изучава в общообразователните училища и профилираните гимназии. Съобразена е с държавните образователни изисквания и актуализираната учебна програма по география и икономика – десети клас, задължителна подготовка.


The mathematics placement test is a written test lasting 2 hours and is conducted in person.

Prospective students draw a lottery option containing 25 questions.

В програмата са включени въпроси от учебниците по Алгебра и Геометрия за 8-11 клас на СУ.

In solving the problems, candidates must show that they can apply basic statements from Algebra, Analysis and Geometry.


In solving the problems, the candidates show the knowledge, skills and professional experience of general technical training acquired from vocational schools. The General Technical Training Candidate Test is a written test lasting 3 hours. It shall be conducted in person.

In the development of the test there are four groups of questions - 25 questions related to the disciplines "Technical Mechanics", "Technical Drawing and Machine Elements", "Materials Science" and "Electrical and Electronic Engineering".

1. "Technical Mechanics" - basic concepts and axioms of Statics, kinematics of point and solid, dynamics of point and dynamical system.
2. "Technical Drawing and Machine Elements" - issues from the following areas are included: depiction of machine elements; dimensioning of drawings and sketches; different types of joints - bolted, riveted, press, etc.; bearings; couplings; gears. For good preparation it is necessary to pay attention to the purpose of machine elements, basic dimensions, construction and basic dependencies in them.
3. "Materials Science": structural-repair metallic and non-metallic materials. Performance materials. Technologies and technological methods for production and processing of materials.
4. "Electrical and Electronics Engineering" - questions related to. Electromagnetism. Analysis of linear electric circuits in direct and alternating current. Electronic elements and devices. Electrical measurements. Electrical machines and apparatus.
Textbooks and teaching aids for the relevant subjects in vocational schools were used in the preparation of the test.