Enrolment of students
28/09/2023 2024-05-22 16:13Записване на студенти
The time and place of enrolment of Thrace University students depends on which category the applicant belongs to:
Enrolment of applicants for the preparatory year, during which Bulgarian language and specialised subjects are studied in Bulgarian, takes place when the application documents are submitted.
The enrolment of students who are has already completed a preparatory year and have a language certificate issued by a Bulgarian higher education institution and wish to continue their studies in Bulgarian, shall be admitted immediately or on the day following their classification in the chosen specialisation.
Enrolment of students wishing to study in English (специалностите „Медицина“ и „Ветеринарна медицина“), се извършва веднага или на следващия ден след тяхното класиране в избраната специалност, т.е. записването стартира от 29 август 2024 г. и крайният срок за записване на класираните на първо класиране кандидати, е 6 септември 2024 г..
Upon enrollment, students must pay the tuition fee for the first semester of the academic year. (Refer to link Tuition fees and bank accounts.)
Enrolment takes place at the faculty to which the student is admitted according to the following table:
Faculty of Agriculture
Address - Gr. Stara Zagora, Studentski grad, floor 4, room 408
Telephone/fax: 042/ 699 304, 042/ 670 942
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Address - Gr. Stara Zagora, Studentski grad, floor 5, room 583
Telephone - 042/ 699 500; 699 504, 042/ 670 624
Faculty of Medicine
Address - Gr. Stara Zagora, ul. "Armeyska" 11, et. 1, room 4
Telephone - 042/ 600 705, 042 666 204
Faculty of Education
Address - Gr. Stara Zagora, ul. "Armeyska 9, floor 2, room 210
Telephone - 042/ 613 762; 613 763, 042/ 630 610
Faculty of Economics
Address - Gr. Stara Zagora, Studentski grad, et. 1, Dean's Office
Telephone - 042/ 699 400, 699 405, 042/ 633 226
Faculty of Engineering and Technology - Yambol
Address - Gr. Yambol, ul. "Graf Ignatiev" 38, floor 2
Phone - 046/ 669 149
Medical College
Address - Gr. Stara Zagora , ul. "Armeyska" 9, et. 3, College Office
Telephone - 042/ 601 721, 042/ 600 755
Branch - Haskovo
Address - Gr. Haskovo Blvd. "48, floor 2
Phone - 038/ 664 375