Bulgarian students and citizens of European Union member states

Български студенти и граждани на държави – членки на Европейския съюз

The following types of scholarships are awarded to students - Bulgarian citizens and citizens of Member States of the European Union, admitted in full-time education, government procurement:

  • Scholarships by merit on a general basis

  • Social scholarships

  • Scholarships for students studying in priority professional fields

  • Scholarships to students enrolled in the year of secondary education - under Article 8b

  • Scholarships for significant achievements in scientific research, sports and artistic creation - under Article 8a

  • Grants and rewards

Students receiving/applying for a social scholarship may not receive/apply for a merit scholarship on a general basis.

Other types of scholarships may be received regardless of whether the student is receiving another scholarship.

Scholarships by merit on a general basis

 All full-time, state-order students are eligible for a merit scholarship. The scholarship is awarded from the beginning of the second and subsequent semesters and on condition that all examinations are passed. Applicants must have a grade point average from the previous two semesters and, for first-year students, from the first semester, of not less than 4.00.

Scholarships are awarded for 5 months separately for each academic semester

Documents and submission deadlines are announced each semester

Social scholarships

The following groups of students are eligible to apply for a social scholarship:

- Unmarried students without two parents;

- Students with permanent disabilities 70 and over 70%;

- Students with permanent disabilities 70 and over 70%;

- Students with one living parent who is permanently disabled 70 and over 70%;

- Student mothers with children up to 6 years of age;

- Student fathers with children up to the age of 6, where the mother is not a student, has died or parental rights have been granted to the father

- Students who have been brought up to adulthood in institutions for the care and education of children deprived of parental care.

- Student mothers remain eligible for a scholarship until the end of the semester in which the child turns 6.

- Female students with children up to 6 years of age who did not graduate in the first session receive a scholarship until the end of the month in which the second session ends for the state examination (thesis defense) according to the curriculum.

- Scholarships are awarded from the start of the first year of study or from the start of the summer term, regardless of the student's success, and are paid for 12 months on a month-by-month basis.

- Documents and submission deadlines are announced each semester.

Scholarships for students studying in priority professional fields

Students studying in priority professional fields from АФ, ВМФ, ПФ, ФТТ – Ямбол и СФ – Софтуерно инженерство и информационни технологии

Students must have successfully passed all examinations according to the curriculum and have an average grade from the previous two semesters /for the first year - from the first semester/ not lower than 4.00.

Scholarships are awarded for each academic semester and are paid for 5 months for each month separately. The amount of the scholarship cannot be lower than the amount of the general scholarships. Documents and submission deadlines are announced each semester.

Scholarships to students enrolled in the year of secondary education - under Article 8b

This is a new type of scholarship for students enrolled for studies in the year of obtaining secondary education in the professional fields of "Pedagogy", "Pedagogy of...", "Mechanical Engineering", "Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation", "Power Engineering" and "General Engineering":

- the individual result from the state matriculation examination in the subject Bulgarian language and literature is within 10 per cent of the highest results for the country for the academic year of secondary education and the individual result from the second compulsory state matriculation examination or from the compulsory state examination for professional qualification is equal to or above the national average result from the respective examination for the academic year of secondary education.

- the individual result of the state matriculation examination in the subject Bulgarian language and literature is equal to or above the national average for the academic year of secondary education and the individual result of the second compulsory state matriculation examination in the subject Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy or Chemistry and Environmental Protection is within 30 per cent of the highest national results of the respective state matriculation examination for the academic year of secondary education.

Стипендиите се отпускат за всеки учебен семестър и се изплащат за 5 месеца за всеки месец поотделно. Стипендии се отпускат от началото на първата година на обучение със заповед на ректора, като ограничението за минимален среден успех 4.00 и положени успешно всички изпити по учебен план се прилага от втория и следващи семестри на обучение.

The scholarship is received regardless of whether the student receives other scholarships under PMS 90.

When applying, students submit documents proving that their individual matriculation examination results qualify them to receive the Article 8b scholarship.

Documents and submission deadlines are announced each semester.

Scholarships for significant achievements in scientific research, sports and artistic creation - under Article 8a

The Rector, in consultation with the Student Council, may award scholarships to students with significant achievements in research, sports or artistic activities. Scholarships are awarded for one academic semester and are paid for 5 months for each month separately. The same achievements may not be the basis for a scholarship and awards. Documents and submission deadlines are announced each semester.

Grants and rewards

The Rector may grant awards and grants of up to BGN 300 as follows:

  1. награда за определени успехи в учебната, научноизследователската и други дейности;

  2. помощи при тежко материално състояние.

Наградите и помощите се отпускат съгласувано със студентския съвет.