Pedagogy of physical education

Педагогика на обучението по физическо възпитание


Education in the specialty Pedagogy of physical education "In the Bachelor's degree program, there is a scientific-theoretical and practical-applied orientation, which is provided through the inclusion in the curriculum of a comprehensive and specialized training with mandatory, elective, and optional disciplines. This is complemented by various forms of practical training in the following main directions:"

  • "General-theoretical: Understanding the essence, characteristics, and specificity of the modern pedagogical process in building the physical education of students; comprehension and integration of acquired knowledge into teaching and training activities, sports management, pedagogical communication, and scientific research."

  • "Medical-biological: Mastery of anatomical-physiological, physico-biochemical parameters of the human body, morpho-functional deviations, prevention, and therapy through the means of physical education."

  • "Sports-pedagogical: Formation of professional skills and competencies for planning, organizing, and implementing the educational process in the subject 'Physical Education and Sports' in the real conditions of the school environment."

"To ensure an optimal learning process, there is the necessary material-technical and informational resource. Modernly equipped classrooms and specialized cabinets are provided for lectures and seminars. There is a sports facility with the necessary sports equipment for practical activities, as well as educational facilities for conducting practical courses."


Graduates of the specialtyPedagogy of physical education"Graduates of the Bachelor's degree program can professionally realize themselves according to all criteria of Ordinance No. 15 of July 22, 2019, on the status and professional development of teachers, principals, and other pedagogical specialists / State Gazette No. 61 of August 2, 2019 / as:"

  • Physical education and sports teachers at all stages of secondary school – in municipal or private schools;

  • in specialized (sports schools);

  • instructors and coaches in various forms of organized and voluntary physical activities (sports clubs and sections, fitness clubs, etc.);

  • educators in schools and social institutions;

  • in specialized institutions for working with children with specific educational needs;

  • consultant-experts in institutions working with adolescents;

  • in recreational centers, etc.;

  • managers in the field of physical education and sports in municipal structures;

  • in non-governmental organizations, foundations, and others.

General information

Field of Study

Pedagogy of physical education




Teacher of physical education and sports


Bachelor's degree

Previous education:

Secondary education

Forms of education


Period of education

Full-time - 8 Semesters

Educational unit

Faculty of Education
Ball formation - Bulgaria

В Тракийския университет се кандидатства с оценки от дипломата за средно образование, или с оценки от присъствени приемни изпити 

Admission to the specialty Pedagogy of physical education is carried out after ranking by score. 

The score is formed by the main scoring assessment plus two additional scoring assessments, the highest of which is multiplied by 3.

1. Basic Score

Оценката от състезателен приемен изпит/тест или от Държавен зрелостен изпит (ДЗИ). Ако кандидат-студентът се е явявал на някой от изпитите неколкократно или на повече от един балообразуващ изпит, в бала участва най-високата от всички оценки.

Една от следните оценки:

  • DZI Bulgarian language and literature

  • Exam General language culture

2. Допълнителна балообразуваща оценка x3:

  • Физическо възпитание и спорт или спортна подготовка
    Additional scoring are the grades in the diploma from the State Baccalaureate Examination (BSE) or from the compulsory preparation in the subject. If the diploma does not contain the required grades, the grades from the First Secondary School Certificate are used.

Note 1: If the main qualifying mark is from a competitive examination and there are two marks in a qualifying subject entered in the secondary education diploma, one of which is from a State Baccalaureate Examination (SBE) from 2008 onwards and the other from the Compulsory Preparation section, the additional qualifying mark shall be the mark from the state matriculation exam.

Note 2: In the formation of the competition score of prospective students whose secondary education diploma was issued before the introduction of the state matriculation examinations and who do not have a mark from the state matriculation examination in Bulgarian language and literature, the mark from the matriculation examination in Bulgarian language and literature or from the matriculation examination in general education oriented to the verification of competences in Bulgarian language and literature shall be taken as the score-forming mark.

Ball formation - International students

The candidate applies to Thracian University with grades from the secondary education diploma or from entrance exams conducted in an electronic environment. Admission to the „Pedagogy of Physical Education“ program is determined through ranking based on a score, which is derived from the main result multiplied by 2, plus two additional results multiplied by 3 (the highest scores).

1. **Primary Score-Forming Assessment:**
– Grade from a competitive entrance exam/test or from the State Matriculation Exam (DZI) selected by the candidate. In case the candidate has taken the exam multiple times, the highest grade among all attempts is considered.
– Optional, one of the following grades multiplied by 2:
– DZI: Bulgarian Language and Literature
– Exam: General Language Culture

2. **First Additional Score-Forming Assessment:**
– Bulgarian Language and Literature

3. **Second Additional Score-Forming Assessment:**
– History

The additional grades are taken from the diploma for secondary education. If the diploma lacks the necessary grades, they are obtained from the Certificate for the First Gymnasium Stage. In the absence of a grade in Bulgarian Language and Literature in the diploma, the score from the matriculation exam in the respective subject is used. If grades are missing from the State Matriculation Exam in Bulgarian Language and Literature, the score from the general education exam, oriented toward testing competencies in Bulgarian Language and Literature, is used.

Exam and application fees

Application fees for the academic year 2024/2025.

За първи изпит/тест таксата за кандидатстване е 60 лв. За всеки следващ изпит/тест е 55 лв.

The competition fee is waived for:

a/ persons with permanent disabilities and reduced working capacity of 70 per cent or more - certified by a decision of the TELK;

b/ round orphans up to the age of 25 years in the year of application - evidenced by the death certificates of the parents and the identity card of the prospective student.

c/ persons who, at the time of reaching the age of majority, are subject to a protection measure under the Child Protection Act - placement in a foster family, a residential social service or a specialized institution - certified by an official note from the respective home;

d/ war invalids and war victims;

e/ mothers (fathers) with three or more children - children's birth certificates and parent's ID card must be presented.

Twins pay half the fee when they both apply to TRU - birth certificates must be presented.

Entrance Exams

To apply, you can take one of the following exams.

Preliminary examinations:
  • General language culture - exam - 30 March and 13 April 2024 (in-person)

Regular examinations:
  • General language culture - exam - 26 June 2024(in-person)

Study schedule

Schedule of study process за учебната 2024/2025 г. 

Continuing Education

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