В Тракийския университет се кандидатства с оценки от дипломата за средно образование, или с оценки от присъствени приемни изпити
Admission to the specialty Computer systems and communications is carried out after ranking by score.
The score is made up of the basic mark multiplied by 2 plus two additional marks.
1. Basic Score
The grade from a competitive entrance examination/test or from a State Baccalaureate Examination (BSE) of the candidate's choice. If the candidate has taken any of the examinations more than once, or has taken more than one exam, the highest of all marks is included in the score.
Eдна от следните оценки ×2:
1.Български език и литература
4.Информационни технологии
5.Физика и астрономия
6.ЗДИППК за специалности в ПН Компютърни науки (481)
7.ЗДИППК за специалности в ПН Приложна информатика (482)
8. ЗДИППК за специалности в ПН Машиностроене, метало-обработванe и металургия (521)
9.ЗДИППК за специалности в ПН Електротехника и енергетика (522)
10.ЗДИППК за специалности в ПН Електроника, автоматика, комуникационна и компютърна техника (523)
12.Oбщотехническа подготовка
13.Oбща езикова култура
2. First supplementary assessment
3. Second additional score
Additional scoring are the grades in the diploma from the State Baccalaureate Examination (BSE) or from the compulsory preparation in the subject. If the diploma does not contain the required grades, the grades from the First Secondary School Certificate are used.
Note 1: If the main qualifying mark is from a competitive examination and there are two marks in a qualifying subject entered in the secondary education diploma, one of which is from a State Baccalaureate Examination (SBE) from 2008 onwards and the other from the Compulsory Preparation section, the additional qualifying mark shall be the mark from the state matriculation exam.
Note 2: In the formation of the competition score of prospective students whose secondary education diploma was issued before the introduction of the state matriculation examinations and who do not have a mark from the state matriculation examination in Bulgarian language and literature, the mark from the matriculation examination in Bulgarian language and literature or from the matriculation examination in general education oriented to the verification of competences in Bulgarian language and literature shall be taken as the score-forming mark.