Renewable energy sources in the agricultural sector
21/11/2023 2024-10-30 15:05Възобновяеми енергийни източници в аграрния сектор
The Master in Renewable Energy Sources in the Agricultural Sector integrates knowledge of energy saving and renewable energy sources from and for agriculture. The main acquired knowledge is in the field - biofuels from energy crops, biogas from plant and animal biomass, solar thermal energy and heat savings in agricultural sites. The graduate has the skills and knowledge to develop, design and implement projects related to the extraction and production of biofuels and biogas, projects related to the use of thermal solar energy and projects to reduce heat consumption in agricultural buildings and facilities. This is the specialist who will help to absorb the desolate lands in the country and reduce energy intensity in our agriculture. The Master in this field can improve improvements and expand the existing agricultural structures in the direction of reducing energy costs and mastering new technologies for energy production.
The realization of the master's degree in "Renewable energy sources in the agricultural sector" can be in livestock and agricultural structures, companies for production and processing of biofuels and biogas, consulting and design offices and services in the agricultural and energy sector, research institutions, municipalities and others.
General information
Field of Study
Professional Direction
Previous education:
Forms of education
Period of education
Educational unit
Application Fee
Application fees for the academic year 2024/2025.
Такса за кандидатстване 60 лв.
The competition fee is waived for:
a/ persons with permanent disabilities and reduced working capacity of 70 per cent or more - certified by a decision of the TELK;
b/ round orphans up to the age of 25 years in the year of application - evidenced by the death certificates of the parents and the identity card of the prospective student.
c/ persons who, at the time of reaching the age of majority, are subject to a protection measure under the Child Protection Act - placement in a foster family, a residential social service or a specialized institution - certified by an official note from the respective home;
d/ war invalids and war victims;
e/ mothers (fathers) with three or more children - children's birth certificates and parent's ID card must be presented.
Twins pay half the fee when they both apply to TRU - birth certificates must be presented.
График за кандидатстване
Documents Applying - онлайн, или на място в Тракийски университет - ректорат, или във ФТТ – Ямбол и в бюрата наЦКПИ:
от 02.09.2024 г. до 30.09.2024 г.
- І-во класиране за места, субсидирани от държавата и І-во класиране за обучение срещу заплащане:
на 03.10.2024 г.
- Записване на студенти от І-во класиране:
от 04.10.2024 г. до 09.10.2024 г.
- ІІ-ро класиране за места, субсидирани от държавата и ІІ-ро класиране за обучение срещу заплащане:
на 10.10.2024 г.
- Записване на студенти от ІІ-ро класиране:
от 11.10.2024 г. до 15.10.2024 г.
Tuition fees and Bank accounts
- Годишни такси за обучение в ОКС „магистър“ на студенти през учебната 2024 – 2025 г. – държавна поръчка
- Годишни такси за обучение в ОКС „магистър“ на студенти през учебната 2024 – 2025 г. – платено обучение
- Освободени от такси за обучение през учебната 2024 – 2025 г.
- N/A
- Банкови сметки на звената на Тракийски университет – Стара Загора, по които се заплащат такси