Ecology of settlement systems
21/11/2023 2025-01-28 16:09Екология на селищни системи
Graduates of the master's program in "Ecology of Urban Systems" gain knowledge and skills for environmental protection activities in the municipalities of the Republic of Bulgaria and their sustainable management in the context of global climate change. These goals are achieved on the basis of knowledge of the peculiarities of environmental factors (abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic) and the formation of the climate in urban areas; characterization of pollutants, incl. noise and sources of air, water and soil pollution; waste generation and management; pollution forecasting and modeling; adoption and implementation of the environmental legislation of the EU and the country concerning settlement systems. Masters who have completed this program are prepared to develop municipal and company policies, plans and programs for environmental protection and management; to participate in teams for environmental assessments and environmental impact assessments of investment proposals for construction; activities and technologies; to participate in the planning and implementation of modern ecological urban planning; to develop and implement measures to increase energy efficiency from household; production and transport activities; to plan green infrastructure in territorial systems; to organize and carry out an inventory of biological diversity in large cities and to develop and implement measures for its conservation; to prepare ecological models and forecasts of air pollution in urban environments; to develop materials for informing the population about the state and protection of the environment, about real and potential ecological risks and for increasing its ecological culture and behavior.
The realization of the Master of Ecology of Settlement Systems can be in municipalities (departments of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Park Work and Landscaping, as well as in other municipal structures related to environmental protection and management); district administrations; urban planning and transport companies; manufacturing companies, cleaning companies; urban wastewater treatment plants and regional landfills; consulting services / companies in ecology and environmental protection; scientific and educational institutions, non-governmental organizations / foundations; and others.
General information
Field of Study
Professional Direction
Previous education:
Forms of education
Period of education
Educational unit
Bale formation
Състезателният бал за магистърските програми от Аграрния, Ветеринарномедицински, Педагогическия, Стопанския факултети, Факултет „Техника и технологии” и за ОКС „Магистър“ по „Здравен мениджмънт“ към Медицински факултет на университета се формира като средно аритметична от средния успех от дипломата за висше образование в ОКС „Бакалавър“ и оценката от държавния изпит.
Application Fee
Такса за кандидатстване за учебната 2024/2025 г.
Такса за кандидатстване 60 лв.
The competition fee is waived for:
a/ persons with permanent disabilities and reduced working capacity of 70 per cent or more - certified by a decision of the TELK;
b/ round orphans up to the age of 25 years in the year of application - evidenced by the death certificates of the parents and the identity card of the prospective student.
c/ persons who, at the time of reaching the age of majority, are subject to a protection measure under the Child Protection Act - placement in a foster family, a residential social service or a specialized institution - certified by an official note from the respective home;
d/ war invalids and war victims;
e/ mothers (fathers) with three or more children - children's birth certificates and parent's ID card must be presented.
Twins pay half the fee when they both apply to TRU - birth certificates must be presented.
График за кандидатстване
Documents Applying - онлайн, или на място в Тракийски университет - ректорат, или във ФТТ – Ямбол и в бюрата наЦКПИ:
от 02.09.2024 г. до 30.09.2024 г.
- І-во класиране за места, субсидирани от държавата и І-во класиране за обучение срещу заплащане:
на 03.10.2024 г.
- Записване на студенти от І-во класиране:
от 04.10.2024 г. до 09.10.2024 г.
- ІІ-ро класиране за места, субсидирани от държавата и ІІ-ро класиране за обучение срещу заплащане:
на 10.10.2024 г.
- Записване на студенти от ІІ-ро класиране:
от 11.10.2024 г. до 15.10.2024 г.
Tuition fees and Bank accounts
- Годишни такси за обучение в ОКС „магистър“ на студенти през учебната 2024 – 2025 г. – държавна поръчка
- Годишни такси за обучение в ОКС „магистър“ на студенти през учебната 2024 – 2025 г. – платено обучение
- Освободени от такси за обучение през учебната 2024 – 2025 г.
- N/A
- Банкови сметки на звената на Тракийски университет – Стара Загора, по които се заплащат такси