Festive concert on the occasion of 15 years of the Faculty of Economics
22/06/2022 2024-03-13 12:21Festive concert on the occasion of 15 years of the Faculty of Economics

Празничен концерт по случай 15 години Стопански факултет
Festive concert on the occasion of 15 years of the Faculty of Economics
On 20.06.2023, a festive concert marked the beginning of the celebrations on the occasion of 15 years since the establishment of the Faculty of Economics as an independent unit in the structure of Trakia University.
The first of the series of events took place at the Trakia University Forum
The vice-rector for academic activities, Prof. Neli Grozeva, welcomed the attendees on behalf of the rector's leadership, noting that in the last 15 years, the Faculty of Economics has built a remarkable reputation, which immensely contributes to raising the authority of Trakia University. In addition, the structural unit is a significant factor in the creation of many successful professionals, thus contributing to the development of business and the economy of our country and the world. Prof. Grozeva wished the faculty even more successful achievements and development, as well as exciting challenges, limitless opportunities for the faculty's progress
The dean of the faculty Assoc. Prof. Blaga Stoikova welcomed the attendees and shared that the Faculty of Economics has achieved many successes over the years in both educational and research activities, in the development of projects at the national and international level. After graduation, the experts are well received in all structures at the municipal, regional and national level. Prof. Stoikova wished those present to be healthy and to have even greater success!
The host of the event was Nikolay Kolev, and the Stara Zagorje rock band Perfect Stranger, as well as the pop artist Miro, ensured a good mood.
The history of the faculty began in 1974 with a unified Department of Economics and Organization at the then Institute of Zootechnics and Veterinary Medicine. The first specialization in economics was opened way back in 1992-93 and was called Agribusiness, which a little later grew into Agrarian Economics. In 1994, a new master's program called Regional Development Planning was opened. In 2006, the National Assessment and Accreditation Agency gave a positive assessment of the project to open a new structural unit at the Trakia University, Faculty of Economics, and in 2008, a Faculty of Economics was opened by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria. The ribbon was officially cut by the then Minister of Education Daniel Valchev on 2.12.2008. To date, the faculty trains students in seven bachelor's and nine master's majors, as well as three majors in the ONS doctorate. From this year, joint training with University of national and world economy in one bachelor's and one master's specialty begins. The newest specialties are in