Scholarships for bulgarian students

Класиране за стипендия за зимен семестър

Студентите, кандидатствали за стипендии през летния семестър на настоящата учебна 2023-2024 година, могат да проверят дали са сред класираните за съответния вид стипендия на следните линкове:

The following scholarship amounts have been approved:

Basic scholarship: with a grade of 4.00 - 4.99 is 120 BGN / month

5.00 - 5.49 - amounting to BGN 140.

5.50 - 6.00 - in the amount of 180 lv.

Scholarships in the priority professional fields are 120 BGN.

Social grants amount to 140 BGN.

Scholarships for significant achievements are 120 BGN.

The Article 8b scholarships amount to BGN 140.

All scholarships are paid within one semester, i.e. for 5 months. The exception is social scholarships, which are paid until 30.IX.2024 or until the first state session for students in their final year of study. Those who missed to apply for social scholarship in the winter semester can apply in the second/summer semester and their scholarship will be disbursed from 1.III.2024 to 30.IX.2024. All Masters students who are enrolled in a state-ordered full-time course of study can apply for the scholarship in the summer semester of the current academic year after successful completion of examinations in the 1st /winter semester/.