Център за електронно и дистанционно обучение

Centre for Electronic and Distance Learning

The subject of activity of CEDO is the organization of:
  • e-learning of Bulgarian and foreign citizens in full-time, part-time and distance learning, for the acquisition of educational-qualification degree "Bachelor", "Master", educational and scientific degree, "Doctor" and for qualification improvement;

  • distance form of education of Bulgarian and foreign citizens for the acquisition of educational-qualification degree "Bachelor", "Master", educational and scientific degree "Doctor" and for qualification improvement.

CEDO's activities develop in the following areas:
  • E-learning and distance learning.

  • Information Technology.

  • Digital Innovation.

Regulatory documents


Assoc. Prof. Gabriela Kiriakova


Phone number 042/ 699 440

Principal Asst. Dr. Nadezhda Angelova


Phone number 042/ 699 310