Local finances
13/11/2023 2025-02-04 15:21Местни финанси
The training in the specialty prepares specialists with higher economic education at level 6B "Bachelor" in the National Qualifications Framework and the European Qualifications Framework, who have in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of local finance related to new scientific achievements.
It lasts 4 years - 8 semesters, full-time and part-time. The curriculum contains compulsory, elective and optional subjects, providing a minimum of 240 credits. Undergraduate internship is included for regular form of education. The training in the specialty ends with a theoretical state exam or with the defense of a diploma thesis.
The main goal of the training in the specialty "LOCAL FINANCE" is to prepare specialists with fundamental and specialized knowledge, as well as practical skills in the field of: public sector finance - budget accounting and municipal budget; local self-government; regional economy and politics; planning and forecasting local finances; analytical models for forecasting local development.
The training is aimed at obtaining in-depth knowledge in the following areas: the theory of public goods; the organization, financing and provision of public services; the formation of the budget, financial relations between the central and municipal budgets; the own revenues of municipalities - local taxes, fees, revenues from municipal property; local self-government, the services provided by municipalities; municipal property and local economic policy; financial audit and control in the public sector; the development, financing and financing of public services.
The bachelor's degree provides professional skills and competencies of the specialist to: analyze and formulate the strategic goals of municipal development; analyzes the financial condition of the municipality, develops a proposal for the three-year budget forecast; analyzes local taxes and fees and makes proposals for their change; analyzes the organization of the provision, scope and quality of municipal services and makes proposals for their improvement; develops and implements local normative documents - ordinances, regulations and others; participates in the development of municipal plans, district strategies and regional development plans; develops and manages municipal projects financed by the EU structural and investment funds.
Possible realization of the graduating specialists in local finance is as follows: economists in the municipal financial departments / directorates (budgetary and accountants), financiers of municipal structural units; managers, experts and employees in public organizational structures at local, regional, national and European level; economic analysts and experts in regional development agencies, non-governmental organizations; consultants on issues of regional economy and regional governance; teachers in universities, colleges, high schools; researchers in scientific institutes and universities in the country and abroad, etc.
General information
Field of Study
Field of higher education
Professional Direction
Previous education:
Forms of education
Period of education
Educational unit
Ball formation - Bulgaria
В Тракийския университет се кандидатства с оценки от дипломата за средно образование, или с оценки от присъствени приемни изпити
Admission to the specialty „Местни финанси“ is carried out after ranking by score.
The score is made up of the basic mark multiplied by 2 plus two additional marks.
1. Basic Score
The grade from a competitive entrance examination/test or from the State Baccalaureate Examination (BSE) of the candidate's choice. If the candidate has taken any of the examinations more than once or has taken more than one score-forming examination, the highest of all scores is included in the score.
Една от следните оценки ×2:
DZI Mathematics
DZI Geography
DZI Bulgarian language and literature
Test Geography
Test Mathematics
Exam General language culture
2. First supplementary assessment
3. Second additional score
Additional scoring are the grades in the diploma from the State Baccalaureate Examination (BSE) or from the compulsory preparation in the subject. If the diploma does not contain the required grades, the grades from the First Secondary School Certificate are used.
Note 1: If the main qualifying mark is from a competitive examination and there are two marks in a qualifying subject entered in the secondary education diploma, one of which is from a State Baccalaureate Examination (SBE) from 2008 onwards and the other from the Compulsory Preparation section, the additional qualifying mark shall be the mark from the state matriculation exam.
Note 2: In the formation of the competition score of prospective students whose secondary education diploma was issued before the introduction of the state matriculation examinations and who do not have a mark from the state matriculation examination in Bulgarian language and literature, the mark from the matriculation examination in Bulgarian language and literature or from the matriculation examination in general education oriented to the verification of competences in Bulgarian language and literature shall be taken as the score-forming mark.
Ball formation - International students
The score is formed by the double score from the biology test or the biology exam or the matriculation assessment in biology plus the grades in biology and chemistry from the diploma for secondary education, according to art. 21.
Exam and application fees
Application fees for the academic year 2024/2025.:
За първи изпит/тест таксата за кандидатстване е 60 лв. За всеки следващ изпит/тест е 55 лв.
The competition fee is waived for:
a/ persons with permanent disabilities and reduced working capacity of 70 per cent or more - certified by a decision of the TELK;
b/ round orphans up to the age of 25 years in the year of application - evidenced by the death certificates of the parents and the identity card of the prospective student.
c/ persons who, at the time of reaching the age of majority, are subject to a protection measure under the Child Protection Act - placement in a foster family, a residential social service or a specialized institution - certified by an official note from the respective home;
d/ war invalids and war victims;
e/ mothers (fathers) with three or more children - children's birth certificates and parent's ID card must be presented.
Twins pay half the fee when they both apply to TRU - birth certificates must be presented.
Entrance Exams
To apply, you can take one of the following exams.
Preliminary examinations:
General language culture - exam - 22 март и 5 април 2025 г. (in-person)
Geography - test - 22 март и 5 април 2025 г. (in-person)
Mathematics - test - 22 март и 5 април 2025 г. (in-person)
Regular examinations:
General language culture - exam - 25 юни 2025 г. (in-person)
Geography - test - 26 юни 2025 г. (in-person)
Mathematics - test - 26 юни 2025 г. (in-person)
Study schedule
Local finances part-time studies /зимен семестър на учебната 2024/2025/
МЕСТНИ ФИНАНСИ – редовно обучение Курс I ЛЕТЕН Семестър 2024/2025г