Protection and management of the environment

Опазване и управление на околната среда


Students who have completed the master's program in "Environmental Protection and Management" (EIA) gain knowledge and skills to carry out activities related to the conservation and use of biological resources, obtaining safe food, organizing environmentally friendly production, implementing environmentally friendly tourism, etc. Masters of this program are prepared to assess the quality of ecosystems, to control and manage the environment, to know how to protect the environment from harmful effects and on the basis of mathematical models to predict negative changes in agro-ecosystems. During the training students gain in-depth knowledge in the field of organic production, as well as good theoretical training in pollution management of natural biological resources, protected areas and more. The master's course aims to expand the knowledge of undergraduate students in assessing the impact of the human factor on the components of the environment, protection of biological resources and more.


The broad and detailed knowledge will help the MSc Environmental Conservation and Management graduates to become highly qualified professionals in all agricultural farms, markets and auctions, as well as managers, experts and consultants in governmental and non-governmental structures in the agricultural sector.

General information

Field of Study

Protection and management of the environment



Professional Direction

Biological Sciences


Master's degree

Previous education:

Bachelor's degree

Forms of education


Period of education

4 semesters full-time/part-time 2 semesters full-time/part-time

Educational unit

Faculty of Agriculture
Bale formation

The competitive score for the master's programs from the Agricultural, Veterinary Medicine, Pedagogical, Economic Faculties, Faculty of Engineering and Technology and for the Master of Science in Health Management at the Faculty of Medicine of the University is formed as an arithmetic average of the average GPA of the higher education diploma in OCS "Bachelor" and the grade from the state exam.

Application Fee

Такса за кандидатстване за учебната 2024/2025 г.

Такса за кандидатстване 60 лв. 

The competition fee is waived for:

a/ persons with permanent disabilities and reduced working capacity of 70 per cent or more - certified by a decision of the TELK;

b/ round orphans up to the age of 25 years in the year of application - evidenced by the death certificates of the parents and the identity card of the prospective student.

c/ persons who, at the time of reaching the age of majority, are subject to a protection measure under the Child Protection Act - placement in a foster family, a residential social service or a specialized institution - certified by an official note from the respective home;

d/ war invalids and war victims;

e/ mothers (fathers) with three or more children - children's birth certificates and parent's ID card must be presented.

Twins pay half the fee when they both apply to TRU - birth certificates must be presented.

График за кандидатстване

Documents Applying - онлайн, или на място в Тракийски университет - ректорат, или във ФТТ – Ямбол и в бюрата наЦКПИ:

от 02.09.2024 г. до 30.09.2024 г.

  • І-во класиране за места, субсидирани от държавата и І-во класиране за обучение срещу заплащане:

на 03.10.2024 г.

  • Записване на студенти от І-во класиране:

от 04.10.2024 г. до 09.10.2024 г.

  • ІІ-ро класиране за места, субсидирани от държавата и ІІ-ро класиране за обучение срещу заплащане:

на 10.10.2024 г.

  • Записване на студенти от ІІ-ро класиране:

от 11.10.2024 г. до 15.10.2024 г.