Biological agriculture
20/11/2023 2024-12-20 13:35Биологично земеделие
The Master in Organic Agriculture will have in-depth theoretical training in the regulations, principles, specifics and nature of organic production of products of plant and animal origin. He will have specific knowledge related to morphological features, developmental biology and requirements for ecological factors of agricultural crops grown in organic farming. Will know in detail the latest achievements of the selection in connection with the creation of new varieties of agricultural crops suitable for organic farming and will be able to participate in the zoning of suitable species and varieties in the creation of organic crops and plantations. Knowing the latest and most advanced technologies for growing crops, he will assist in the implementation of appropriate agro-technical measures for organic production, increase its competitiveness and transform Bulgarian agriculture in accordance with the requirements of the European Agricultural Market. Knowledge of plant protection crops will allow him to organize the most efficient system for protection of products according to the requirements of organic farming, obtaining high quality products for consumption and processing and protection of the balance in ecosystems. Using the capabilities of information systems, he will be able through information networks to constantly monitor innovations in the field of technologies for growing crops organically and the requirements of the European agricultural market (quotas, prices, etc.) related to the sale of products from this production . The Master in Organic Agriculture will also acquire specific practical knowledge and skills in connection with the preparation of projects for the transition to organic production in farms and holdings, with the organization and management of production in such farms and holdings, with the certification and control of organic production. plants and products of plant origin, with the preparation of projects for participation in programs to support organic production of the EU RDP.
Extensive and detailed knowledge will help Masters in Organic Agriculture to realize themselves as highly qualified specialists in the system of organic production of plants and animals and their products as producers, managers, experts and consultants in government and non-governmental organizations. The specialists who have completed the master's program will be ready to continue their scientific training in the field of organic production at the ONS "Doctor".
General information
Field of Study
Professional Direction
Previous education:
Forms of education
Period of education
Educational unit
Bale formation
Състезателният бал за магистърските програми от Аграрния, Ветеринарномедицински, Педагогическия, Стопанския факултети, Факултет „Техника и технологии” и за ОКС „Магистър“ по „Здравен мениджмънт“ към Медицински факултет на университета се формира като средно аритметична от средния успех от дипломата за висше образование в ОКС „Бакалавър“ и оценката от държавния изпит.
Application Fee
Application fees for the academic year 2024/2025.
Такса за кандидатстване 60 лв.
The competition fee is waived for:
a/ persons with permanent disabilities and reduced working capacity of 70 per cent or more - certified by a decision of the TELK;
b/ round orphans up to the age of 25 years in the year of application - evidenced by the death certificates of the parents and the identity card of the prospective student.
c/ persons who, at the time of reaching the age of majority, are subject to a protection measure under the Child Protection Act - placement in a foster family, a residential social service or a specialized institution - certified by an official note from the respective home;
d/ war invalids and war victims;
e/ mothers (fathers) with three or more children - children's birth certificates and parent's ID card must be presented.
Twins pay half the fee when they both apply to TRU - birth certificates must be presented.
График за кандидатстване
Documents Applying - онлайн, или на място в Тракийски университет - ректорат, или във ФТТ – Ямбол и в бюрата наЦКПИ:
от 02.09.2024 г. до 30.09.2024 г.
- І-во класиране за места, субсидирани от държавата и І-во класиране за обучение срещу заплащане:
на 03.10.2024 г.
- Записване на студенти от І-во класиране:
от 04.10.2024 г. до 09.10.2024 г.
- ІІ-ро класиране за места, субсидирани от държавата и ІІ-ро класиране за обучение срещу заплащане:
на 10.10.2024 г.
- Записване на студенти от ІІ-ро класиране:
от 11.10.2024 г. до 15.10.2024 г.
Tuition fees and Bank accounts
- Годишни такси за обучение в ОКС „магистър“ на студенти през учебната 2024 – 2025 г. – държавна поръчка
- Годишни такси за обучение в ОКС „магистър“ на студенти през учебната 2024 – 2025 г. – платено обучение
- Освободени от такси за обучение през учебната 2024 – 2025 г.
- N/A
- Банкови сметки на звената на Тракийски университет – Стара Загора, по които се заплащат такси
Study schedule