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For another year, graduates of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine were awarded special scholarships, established by the company "Sami M" in order to support promising students. These are Blagovesta Slavcheva, Iva Karastoyanova and Snezhana Balabanova. The three prize winners impressed the competent jury with their essays and were awarded with one-time scholarships from the company. Here's what they shared about their motivation to jump into the race minutes after being awarded:

The fifth-year student Blagovesta, who presented an essay on the topic "Production of plant-based products - vegan products", won a scholarship for the second time: "I am extremely happy that for the second year in a row the jury rated my development so highly! In my opinion, participation in such competitions encourages all of us, students, to seek information from the most up-to-date sources on the specific topic, and in this way we build on the knowledge obtained at the university and expand the spectrum of our knowledge, which is extremely useful for our development. This was my main motive to join the competition, especially since this year the themes were different from last year and it gave me a field to perform in a different field."

Iva Karastoyanova from Tarnov - a student in the 4th year of "Veterinary Medicine", presents an essay on the topic "Types of packaging of chilled and local preparations - influence of the material and inks on the product": "My main inspiration was Dr. Kyuchukova (b.a Chief Assistant Ralitsa Kyuchukova, teacher in the Navy). She put a lot of effort into spreading the word about the contest among our groups and it definitely piqued my interest. I familiarized myself with the topics and the one I chose - about the types of packaging and the effects of the inks in them on the products - seemed quite relevant to me. Separately - I have completed system programming and this is part of my field of interest. I decided to try and enter the contest without having specific expectations. In the process of work, the topic became even more interesting to me, I spent every free minute to look for more and more information in order to prepare my report properly. The feeling of being among the winners is indescribable - I think everyone should try - nothing to lose, on the contrary, you can only gain by challenging yourself to learn new things."

Fourth-year student Snezhana Balabanova is from Samokov, but she chose to study "Veterinary Medicine" at Thrace University "because I love animals and from a young age I was convinced that my future profession would be related to biology." Here's what she shared: “I chose to participate in this contest because the topic of vegan products is very personal to me. I am a vegetarian, I mainly consume such products and I was very interested to learn more about the product itself. In principle, the production of vegetarian food mainly uses soy as a raw material, but recently other raw materials are entering that can be used. That is why I wanted to study the matter in more detail and give more publicity to the topic. I am very excited and extremely happy that my essay was so highly appreciated by the jury! Thanks to Dr. Kyuchukova for the support and encouragement!”

"The main idea of this kind of cooperation between educational institutions and business is for our students to "touch" the practice, to see the application of what they learn," said during the awarding ceremony the vice-rector of Thrace University - Prof. Rumen Binev. - "In this way, we want our graduates to get acquainted with what is ahead of them in the profession, and vice versa - for the business to have a view on the preparation of students, in order to naturally find the intersection between curricula and practice. I hope that more business organizations will embrace the idea of this kind of cooperation with educational institutions like ours!"
