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The rector of Trakia University Prof. Dobri Yarkov awarded the prize winners and participants of the Student of the Year contest


Ректорът на Тракийски университет проф. Добри Ярков награди призьорите и участниците в конкурса Студент на годината

The rector of Thrace University Prof. Dobri Yarkov awarded the prize winners and participants of the Student of the Year contest The rector of Thrace University Prof. Dobri Yarkov awarded the prize winners and participants of the Student of the Year contest. All of them received certificates of appreciation and gifts: "It is an honor for me to have such students as you and I am proud of your achievements as rector of Thrace University. I was not able to accompany you during the competition, because now I am returning from Arizona - from one of the largest American universities, with which we already have a contract, the doors are already open for you there and you can travel on Erasmus. I was looking forward to seeing you and telling you that you should be proud to be students of Thrace University because it is a respected educational institution and you are its ambassadors!”

We remind you that 16 students were nominated in the annual Student of the Year competition, and three of them qualified for prizes: Blagovesta Slavcheva - a graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was awarded in the category "Agrarian Sciences and Veterinary Medicine" and took first place. The fourth-year student from the Faculty of Education - Nedko Boyanov won first place in the "Student Volunteer" category, and Jovanche Alexovski from the Faculty of Medicine took third place in the "Foreign Student in Bulgaria" category.

The participants also received another gift from the rector, Prof. Yarkov - an excursion to the heart of the Rhodopes.
