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Information technology and digital transformation24

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Информационни технологии и дигитална трансформация

Information technology and digital transformation24

The sustainable growth of the world's population and modern standards necessitate an increase in the quality and quantity of food production, as well as lead to the introduction of additional requirements for healthcare. All this drives the adoption of information technologies, deepening the processes of hyper-connectivity and digitization. In response to these global challenges, Trakia University - Stara Zagora has developed the current course on "Information Technologies and Digital Transformation".

The course is suitable for bachelor's and master's students from agricultural, economic, engineering, and medical specialties. The aim of the course is to provide knowledge of information technologies to professionals in agribusiness, industry, medicine, and science. The serious theoretical and applied training in the taught disciplines will allow the participants to acquire up-to-date and in-depth knowledge, closely related to practice. The selection of disciplines is innovatively focused, presenting modern technologies and will be taught by highly specialized lecturers. The topics to be covered are as follows:

Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking.

Data Mining.

Sensor and Cloud Technologies. Internet of Things.

Digital Technologies in Medicine, Agriculture, and Animal Husbandry.

Practical Introduction to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Duration: 150 hours

Fee: BGN 1,850, with the option of installment payment in two installments.

Mode of delivery: For greater flexibility and adaptability to the participants' needs, the course will be conducted in a hybrid form of training (in-person and online via the Zoom platform). In-person training will take place on the premises of Trakia University. Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate of participation.

Payment method: Payment is made by bank transfer to the account of Trakia University - Stara Zagora, IBAN: BG22UNCR76303100117613. Payment reference: participation in the course "Information Technologies and Digital Transformation" and the participant's full name.

Deadline for registration: April 5, 2024.

For more information and to register:

Evelina Dancheva

Tel. 042/ 699 207; 0884 00 33 89

Marijana Bankova

Tel. 042/ 699 224; 0887 90 04 90